Inside Camden County: A Night on Patrol with the Sheriff’s Office

My journey with the Camden County Sheriff’s Office began with a meeting with Sheriff Jim Proctor to discuss his agency and tour the jail. During our conversation, Sheriff Proctor suggested I participate in a ride-along to get a firsthand look at the work his deputies do daily. Intrigued by the opportunity, I accepted the invitation, not fully aware of the eye-opening experience that lay ahead.

Initial Expectations vs. Reality

I initially expected a relatively uneventful night, thinking I would be tagging along for low-priority calls such as welfare checks. However, the reality of the ride-along quickly shattered those expectations.

The Schedule Unfolds

I arrived at the Patrol Division Headquarters in Woodbine at 6:45 pm. Shortly after, I was paired with Deputy Cruz, and by 7 pm, we were on the road. Our first dispatch came quickly: an armed robbery at the Smoke Shop in the Walmart Shopping Center. Deputy Cruz parked and rushed inside, ready to assist. Thankfully, the suspect, a juvenile, did not have a real gun, merely alluding that he had one.

After the suspect was mirandized, we transported him to Woodbine for paperwork before transferring him to the Savannah Regional Youth Detention Center, as Georgia law mandates that individuals under 17 cannot be held with adult inmates.

A Mix of Urgency and Routine

Following this, we responded to a welfare check on an elderly woman who had a mental breakdown at a family function. Fortunately, she was safe at home, much to the relief of her worried children.

Later, we patrolled various “hot spots” known for late-night drug activity. Deputy Cruz then took me to his favorite spot on I-95, where we conducted traffic stops for issues like faulty taillights and tag lights. This routine continued until around 4 am.

High-Stakes Moments

The calm of routine traffic stops was broken when we moved to Saint Mary’s. There, Deputy Cruz ran a vehicle’s tags through the system, which revealed the car was stolen. Despite protocol dictating that he wait for backup, Cruz, observing the driver’s agitation, bravely approached the car alone, ready to prevent any potential escape.

Witnessing this act of bravery firsthand was profound. As someone who has always supported law enforcement, seeing an officer put his life on the line reinforced my respect and admiration for the men and women who wear the badge.

Backup arrived shortly after, including officers from Saint Mary’s PD and additional Sheriff’s deputies. The driver was detained and subsequently arrested without further incident.

Reflections on Law Enforcement

My ride-along concluded with a newfound appreciation for the complexities and dangers faced by law enforcement officers. It also highlighted the need for better funding in both the jail and patrol departments, particularly in terms of staffing.

I encourage anyone interested in understanding the realities of law enforcement to participate in a ride-along. It’s an experience that not only educates but also fosters a deeper appreciation for those who serve and protect our communities.

For more information or to arrange a ride-along, call the Sheriff’s office at 912-510-5100


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