We sent similar questions to Marcus Hill but they have not been sent back yet. These two republicans will compete on the May primary ballot.
For people who don’t know you, can you give us an elevator pitch as to who is Cody Smith?
I’m someone who has dedicated their life to the service of others and a community that has blessed me with so much. I’m a life-long resident of Camden County, Licensed Georgia Insurance Agent, financial planner and small business owner, where I get the privilege of being a good neighbor and helping people through some of their most difficult moments. I have the honor of serving as Vice President of the Kingsland Lion’s Club as well as a board member of SALT Family Services, a non- profit in Camden dedicated to linking people to existing social services and providing gap services where no resources currently exist, in addition to the mental health training offered to all of Camden County’s first responders. I know the people of Camden and the challenges they face, and believe my experience will help bridge the community closer to the government that serves them.
Can you tell us about your background and what inspired you to run for County Commission District 3? What specific goals or changes do you hope to achieve if elected?
I believe I touched on my background in the first question, but what inspires me are my friends and neighbors, the people that, like myself, call Camden County home. I want to continue to build on what we have accomplished as a community and enhance what makes our county such a great place to live and raise a family. I want to create opportunities here for young people that didn’t exist when I was growing up. I want citizens to get their money’s worth and be treated with respect from their elected public servants. Specific items of interest are establishing a viable long term solution to the animal control crisis we are experiencing, extending a muti-use path from the Crooked River neighborhoods to Elliot’s Plantation/ State Park to improve walkability/ accesabilty in that portion of District 3 , securing a traffic light at the Winding Rd. & Laurel Island Speedway intersection, and establishing an open and accountable system for addressing citizens needs through the use of technology.
Regarding the gun range issue, how do you plan to address the concerns raised by residents about noise and nuisance while also considering the importance of gun rights? What approach would you take to find a balanced solution as a commissioner?
I’m certainly no sound engineer, but being this has been a very public issue for over a year now I have done some research on sound abatement for outdoor ranges, and it appears that the decibel amplification is linked to the metal roof and concrete slab from the shooting area. While it creates a comfortable, covered shooting platform for range goers, the downside is metal roofs are TERRIBLE for noise. Because of the metal overhead, the sound is reflected down off the roof and onto the concrete floor which is
also reflective. This creates a ping-pong effect that exacerbates the noise. To prevent this, my research leads me to believe that installing sound panels to the entire underside of the roof as well as shooting booths is the first step in addressing the noise complaints from Bull Head Bluff and surrounding neighborhoods. This will “soften” the metal so it better absorbs the sound, creating a partially sound-proof, sound-absorbing ceiling. Studies have shown that proper coverage of these sound panels at an outdoor range can reduce noise up to 10 dB, which is a step in the right direction. What is a non- starter is completely shutting down the range. I believe the Two Rivers Gun Range is one of the few opportunities within the county for every citizen to exercise their second amendment right enjoyed by all Americans, and proper training and education is indispensable for responsible firearm ownership.
Spaceport Camden has been a divisive issue in the community. Where do you stand on this project, and what steps would you take as a commissioner to address the concerns and interests of all stakeholders involved?
The voters of Camden County spoke loud and clear that they do not want their tax money to be used to purchase the Union Carbide property for a Spaceport. Whether you were for or against it, everyone had an opportunity to have their voice heard on the subject. Additionally the Spaceport Authority is being disbanded, so I believe the only logical next step is to relinquish the license, attempt to resolve the ongoing litigation surrounding the license, and call it what it is, a loss.
There seems to be tension between the County Commission and the Sheriff’s office. What do you believe should be the relationship between these two entities, and how would you work to improve collaboration and communication between them if elected? Additionally, regardless of who holds the position next year, what initiatives would you implement to support and enhance the effectiveness of the Sheriff’s office?
I believe the County Commissioners have a responsibility to the citizens to work closely and in good faith with the Constitutional office of Sheriff to ensure our public safety needs are being addressed and adequately funded. The people elect our Sheriff because they believe that person is best suited for administrating the duties of that office, and the Board of Commissioners should support their efforts and leadership in that regard. The best way to improve collaboration is by continuously engaging in open and constructive communication with the Sheriff’s office and command staff to have a hands-on understanding of the working conditions and operational needs of our first responders. Regardless of who holds the office, I will work with the Sheriff’s office to build on the existing mental health training offered by SALT Family Services to our first responders and expand mental health services available to our inmate population in an effort to reduce recidivism, facilitate care for those suffering from a mental health issue, and save the tax payers money.